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Laser cleaning and rust removal machine 


GGJG-Q Series Hand-held Laser Cleaning Machine

Laser Rust Removal Introduction

     There is oxidation and corrosion when metals meet oxygen and water vapor in air.It will greatly damage the metal workpiece and the rust will spread from outside to inside and become worse and worse as time goes on, until the whole workpiece is totally corrupted. So rust removal is extremely important. Laser rust removal uses not chemical agents or mechanical polishing, so it is faster and safer. It has advantages of higher efficiency, high automation and no subsequent processing work, lower abor intensity and lower cost.

Working Principle

    Impulse type Nd: YAG laser cleaning relies on the optical pulse from high-intensitive laser beam, which burns the contaminants above the substrate. Physics principle:

    Laser beam energy is absorbed by the contaminants above the substrate.

    The contaminant heats up so much, a plasma is created around the working area. This will cause evaporation.

    The contaminant is then removed.

    The base material stays cold, while the absorbing layer heats up, so there will be no damage to base material.

    Laser cleaning can clean not only organic contaminant, but also inorganic substance, such as metal rust, metal particle, dust.  

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