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Fully automatic

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Signs embossing machine

    It is used for automatic engraving of letters, numbers and other symbols on the nameplate of iron, aluminum, copper, stainless steel, plastic and other materials. Self-lubricating,self-sealing and dust—proof,it can ensure the long-time work of the printer,the precision of the steel is good, and the anti—impact and anti-wear of the moving system Times to improve,durable. Can be a one-time pressure of two or three of the same content of the signs. According to customer requirements to provide automatic loading and unloading device.

    It can communicate with other computers, receive output commands and print related data. It can also be connected with electronic scales to print weight data directly on the labet It can be connected with the internal LAN of the company directly and manage the prodnction and dispatch.

Technical Parameters

Model        ZYY-2000S臺式標解壓印機  ZYY-2000GSI柜式標牌壓印機  ZYY-3000型全自動標牌壓印機

Size     120mm x 80mm 120mm x 80mm 120mmx80mm

Imprinting range     120mm x 65mm 120mm x 65mm 120mm x 65mm

Imprinting speed     180-300個字符/min 180-300個字符/min 180-300個字符/min

Imprinting content     英文字母、數(shù)字、符號   英文字母、數(shù)字、符號    英文字母、數(shù)字、符號

Character size     3mm.4mm.5mm(可定制其他字符)  3mm.4mm.5mm(可定制其他字符) 3mm.4mm.5mm(可定制其他字符)

Imprinting thickness     0.2mm-0.8mm 0.2mm-0.8mm 0.2mm-0.8mm

Power consumption     220V±10%50Hz±5%≤500W  220V±10%50Hz±5%≤500W 220V+10%50Hz± 5%≤1000W

Up and down device   手動 手動 手動(全自動上下料裝置)

Gas source                  0.3-0.6mpa




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