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People 's Daily Wuhan Optical Valley Innovation Genome Fruit

December 15, "People's Daily" to "Wuhan Optical Valley: innovative gene node fruit" as the title, reported the East Lake High-tech Zone innovation-driven development of exploration and achievements, the following is the original text:

Break 100T, the equivalent of 1.2 billion people can talk on a fiber at the same time! In July this year, China in the ultra - large capacity, ultra - long distance, ultra - high - speed optical transmission research field once again breakthrough, the world 's top technology was born in China' s first fiber - born. Wuhan Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, also known as "Fiberhome Technology Group," the transformation of enterprises, growth in Wuhan East Lake independent innovation demonstration area (Wuhan China Optical Valley) "Optical Valley since the birth of an innovative gene, it continues to introduce innovative Policy, system, encourage scientific research personnel innovation and entrepreneurship, only today's fruitful. "Donghu demonstration area deputy director of the management committee Xia Yamin said.

Since 2009, the average annual growth rate of patent applications in Donghu Demonstration Zone has remained above 50%. Last year, the number of patent applications exceeded 12,000, accounting for half of Wuhan City. Demonstration area cumulative leading international standards 10, more than 240 national standards. In the Ministry of Science and Technology announced the ranking of the National High-tech Zone evaluation results, the East Lake demonstration area for two consecutive years the overall strength of the country ranks third, which knowledge creation and technological innovation capacity ranks second, second only to Beijing Zhongguancun.

In recent years, Optical Valley led the development of the first Internet business awareness and content identification of international standards; the birth of China's first million-watt continuous fiber lasers, the United States after the second to master the technology of the country; built the first domestic 8-inch 0.25 Micron infrared detection chip production line.

Optical Valley introduced the "thousands of people plan" expert Dr. Yang Daichang, the successful development of "rice hematopoietic" technology, to achieve from the extraction of rice for the treatment of burns, blood loss and other gold life-saving drugs - human serum protein, purity of 99.9999% Protein can only be extracted from the plasma, the market gap is very large, new technology will play a revolutionary impact on China's biomedical industry.

Wuhan Vivid Information Technology Co., Ltd. developed China's first fourth-party language service platform - "language networking", becoming the largest language service provider in China in mid-November, the first global cross-border electric business Optical Valley Forum held in Wuhan, from 20 Many countries more than 40 global cross-border electricity giants in this exchange. The language problem is a major obstacle to the "transnational business" of electricity providers. The "language network" allows customers to communicate directly with the world in their native language.

Technological innovation benefited from the fertile soil of institutional innovation. Last year in December, Wuhan Optical Valley became the national science and technology system to develop a comprehensive pilot area.

In fact, optical Valley technology system reform is always at the forefront. In July this year, the State Council executive meeting decided to select some central-level institutions in the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone and the Independent Innovation Comprehensive Experimental Zone to carry out a one-year pilot project on the use, disposal and profit management reform of scientific and technological achievements. Allowing the pilot units to take the transfer, licensing, price shares, etc. transfer of scientific and technological achievements, the income of all retained by the unit independent distribution. Which inside, to absorb the optical Valley "gold ten" system to explore. Beginning in 2012, Optical Valley through the "Golden 10" provisions, universities, research institutes of scientific and technological achievements into the proceeds, the developers can get 70%. But this "soil policy", the original only useful to the Hubei provincial colleges and universities, a large number of important scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Education affiliated institutions, the state in Wuhan, scientific research institutes invalid.

November 20, the eighth batch of "3551 Talent Program" to declare the start, with the past average of 1 million yuan per person free of charge funding compared to the preferential conditions to attract talent to "3 million yuan free of charge + equity investment." Equity investment through the newly established Optical Valley Talent Investment Fund Co., Ltd., entrepreneurial key talent up to 13 million yuan of funds to support the outstanding talent for the world's top talent can be a matter, up to 100 million yuan.

It is constantly updated preferential policies, so that the introduction of more than 500 years of optical Valley talent team at home and abroad, in the optoelectronics, biotechnology, new energy and energy saving, high-end equipment manufacturing and modern service industry five areas to create a world-class technology The Results and good market performance (Author: Tian Peas)

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