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Ali cloud settled Optical Valley incubator

"Ali cloud" incubator settled in Optical Valley to provide free cloud resources services

Small and medium enterprises do not have self-built room

Following the E-layout logistics, the Alibaba Group's cloud computing platform yesterday with the optical Valley creative industry base together, the two sides will build "Ali cloud - Optical Valley mobile Internet incubator base", together to support the field of mobile Internet want to start young people.

Alibaba Group Vice President Yu Sicheng said that in addition to enjoy the technical, operational and other support, eligible companies can enjoy free of charge or preferential prices to enjoy Ali's cloud computing products and services. Chutianjinbao reporter learned from the Optical Valley creative base, the next two years, will hatch 100 small and medium enterprises team, "initiated the establishment of a billion incubation fund for enterprises to provide financing, personnel and other services."

Small and medium enterprises can be free to use Ali cloud resources

"We are very optimistic about the potential of optical valley, will expand the investment here." Yesterday, in an interview with Chutianjin Pao reporter, Yu Sicheng admitted that from the population size, scientific research strength, industrial base and other indicators, Wuhan will Is the most potential city in central China, "especially games, cultural and creative, mobile Internet and other fields."

In accordance with the agreement, where the incubators into the small and medium enterprises, will be free or at preferential prices to enjoy the exclusive cloud computing products and services, "will be jointly on the incubator within the enterprise to assess the common advantages of resources to create star enterprises."

"Guangku creative base chairman Wang Kaian said, like electricity providers, pay, recruitment and all the Internet-related links," can be completed on this platform, the company can do, Resources are fully shared ".

According to Alibaba related person in charge, as the world's most high-speed, the most secure cloud computing platform, in this year's "double 11" period, Ali cloud platform to support the 57.1 billion day transaction, "order to create 80,000 per second , Set a world record.

"In the country will build six incubators, optical valley is the first stop." Project leader Jiang Fei Shi introduced the incubator for Ali's first "cloud" incubator.

Within two years incubation of 100 small teams

"Very flexible, in the business peak can be rapidly expanded." Ali cloud customers, Hubei cloud world digital media company chairman Zhang Yingdong said, in addition to strong load capacity, Ali cloud security worthy of recognition, "the biggest advantage is operational, Manageable ".

"There is a strong real demand here." In this regard, the East Lake High-tech Zone, the relevant person in charge, at present, the entire optical valley gathered close to 1,000 Internet companies, "the big data is a rigid demand, and here focused on the entrepreneur Common problem ".

To optical Valley creative base, for example, at present, the base has 60% of our province animation company and 70% of the game company, "there are different levels of funds to find, find customers and find real problems such as technology."

"In the past, a large number of active Internet talent are going out of Hubei." Yesterday, the Hubei Provincial Mobile Internet Industry Association Secretary-General Yan said that from the industry development experience, Ali's settled will be able to provide better for small and medium enterprises in Hubei platform.

The next two years, Optical Valley creative base will be hatching 100 small and medium-sized team, and initiated the establishment of a billion incubation fund to help the park business team to solve the funds, personnel and other issues.

("Chutianjinbao" reporter Liu Xiaojie 2014-11-26 14th headlines)

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