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"Entrepreneurial ten" activation of entrepreneurial optical valley

"Entrepreneurial ten" activation of entrepreneurial optical valley

An Interpretation of Some Opinions on the Construction of Entrepreneurship Valley in Donghu National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone

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Silicon Valley to become a global innovation center, the key in business. Through the venture, Silicon Valley gave birth to a large number of high-tech companies, gave birth to another round of industrial and technological revolution. Israel, known as the "entrepreneurial state", also has a very active entrepreneurial and innovative power, and has promoted Israel's leadership in the world of high-tech research and development.
Optical Valley 20 years of development history, but also a vigorous innovation and entrepreneurial history. Here founded China's first incubator, Kaidi Electric, human science and technology, where Valley Electronics and a large number of well-known enterprises, from the incubator to the national and even the world.
In recent years, with the "Golden 10" and "Qing Tong plan" and a series of the implementation of the New Deal, a new round of entrepreneurial enthusiasm is being lit. Optical Valley pedestrian street, software park, biology city, financial port, future science and technology city, university science and technology park and so on each building, immature entrepreneurial faces everywhere.
Data show that Silicon Valley, an average of 13,000 to 15,000 new business each year. Last year, Zhongguancun new registered technology-based enterprises more than 6,000. In the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship in Shenzhen, there are 1.25 million market players, an average of every 8 people have a company. By 2020, the light valley resident population will reach 1.5 million, as reference to the Shenzhen standard, can accommodate the market main body 187,000, which is less than 30,000 enterprises in terms of the optical valley, the space is huge.


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