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GGJG-50-3D laser marking machine

IntroductionAdvantagesTech dataSamples

Suitable for Industry

It is suitable for leather, clothing, bags and other work. It is also applied to the carving and cutting of the leather and cloth fabric, the trademark of the garment accessories industry and the cutting and forming of the cloth embroidered.

Double head laser cutting machine is our company according to the production enterprises, large amount of processing time and other characteristics, developed with high efficiency and low input laser cutting processing equipment, has obtained the national patent protection series models, the characteristics of the work are as follows: two a laser head can conduct engraving and cutting processing at the same time, but also can according to the needs of single head control, only one part of the laser head and laser power control alone. The relative position of the two laser head is adjusted, more long laser machine has the characteristics of large single head cutting and high efficiency cutting long small format optional, so that the production flexibility has been greatly enhanced, to adapt to the more extensive, so as to fundamentally solve the single head laser machine can not meet the mass production enterprise, the the production of large quantities of products become a reality with the laser machine, to fill the gaps in the industry.


3D Fiber laser engraving machine is able to achieve a three-dimensional surface and a surface marking machine, metal and non metal laser for various 3D surface marking, high efficiency, high stability, low running cost, is also equipped with powerful software, support 3D graphics editing and importing, is widely used in precision molds, lighting, electronics, kitchen appliances, auto parts, medical equipment and other industries.


Address:Wuhan Optical Valley in laser equipment Ltd.


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